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- Certification for Ex equipment | CPEx Certificaçōes
Centro de Pesquisas em Atmosferas Explosivas CPEx Centro de Pesquisas em Atmosfera Explosiva (CPEx) It is a company accredited by Inmetro (Cgcre) to operate in certification processes for products destined for explosive atmospheres. CPEx has partnerships around the world to assist its clients in obtaining certifications: IECEx (International approval), ATEX (Europe), UKCA (United Kingdom), NRTL (US and Canada), ExEAU (United Arabe Emirates), TR CU (Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus). CPEx relies on the experience and qualification of its team to offer the best practices in the certification process. MORE SERVICES SERVICES We offer several services to meet the needs of your company related to safety in explosive atmospheres. We have an experienced and fully trained team to meet Brazilian and international requirements and standards. With 3 major work fronts, we are ready to assist and certify your company. CERTIFICATION We provide certification for product for explosive atmospheres following national and international guidelines. MORE TRAINING We offer specialized training for various topics on products for explosive atmospheres and Inmetro and international certification processes. MORE INSPECTIONS CPEx provides inspection services (visual, accurate and detailed) of SKID's and installations in explosive atmospheres, following national and international standards. MORE CONTACT US CPEx Certifications CNPJ: 35,554,833/0001-89 Contat us: +55 (19) 9 9177-4332 +55 (19) 3504-4724 Address: Rua Joaquim Guilherme da Costa, 340 Pq. Ortolândia - Hortolândia/SP - Brazil Zip Code: 13184-070 Follow us: NAME EMAIL PHONE ADDRESS COMPANY SEND Thanks! Request received! Complaints and appeals What are your requirements? Share your complaints and appeals with us if you need to during a process. SEND Suggestions Ask your questions! Whether technical, market or specific regulations, we are here to solve your problems. SEND CONTACT
- About Us | CPEx Certificações
ABOUT US The Explosive Atmosphere Research Center (CPEx) has partnerships around the world to assist its clients in obtaining certifications: Inmetro (Brazil), IECEx (International approval), ATEX (Europe), UKCA (United Kingdom), NRTL (US and Canada), ExEAU (United Arabe Emirates), TR CU (Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus). CPEx also has a highly qualified team, with years of experience in carrying out technical evaluations for the certification of products and systems for explosive atmospheres. In addition, our technical staff seeks the use of friendly technical approaches, easy to understand, thus allowing the constant technical development of its customers through the completion of the certification processes. MORE SERVICES INTEGRATED QUALITY POLICY CPEx is committed to: Meet legal and customer requirements, satisfy the needs of customers, society, and other interested parties, maintaining the confidentiality of information and analyzing potential conflicts of interest and impartiality. Train and supervise the development of employees, ensuring the safety of certified products, continually improve their processes and assess risks, establishing necessary action plans. VISION Lead the market for certification of products for explosive atmospheres in Brazil, being a constant agent in the development of technologies related to types of protection for explosive atmospheres, their systems and certification schemes. MISSION Be an agent in the application and continuous improvement of technologies related to the prevention of explosion risks in areas with explosive atmospheres. Generating value to relevant stakeholders through conformity assessment services and product certification, with impartiality and confidentiality. Collaborating with the safety of products for explosive atmospheres. VALUES We understand that the success of our business is directly related to the performance and ethical conduct of our employees, which translates into our reputation, which is our most valuable asset. Our sustainable growth is based on values determined by our ability to add value to our customers, through the ethical, impartial and confidential promotion of technical knowledge through accredited assessments and aligned with the best practices at the national and international level, which determines our unity as an organization and our strategy as a business. Vision, Mission, Values
- TECHNICAL GUIDE | CPEx Certificações
technical guide Complementary guide for Hazardous Location Equipment certification & Explosive Atmospheres. The Guide covers topics such as: Protection Degree; EPL protection level; Type of protection for Combustible Dust (Electrical and Non-Electric Equipment); Standards for projects and installations in an Explosive Atmosphere; Types of Protection for: Gases, Vapors and Mists; Groups and Classes; Temperature class; Marking Examples; Among others. Fill in the form below and Download for FREE your Technical Guide! Full name Email Phone number Company DOWNLOAD
- Inspeção | CPEx Certificações
INSPECTIONS CPEx offers the inspection service, considering the current rules and laws having a competitive advantage, the knowledge of the professionals who work in the area, being able to serve the whole world. Inspection scope: SKID’s for an explosive atmosphere; Facilities according to the scope of the evaluation; Visual, Detailed and Detailed Inspection according to IEC 60079-14 and IEC 60079-17. OTHER SERVICES CPEx has a highly qualified team, prepared to meet the diverse needs of our partners. We have certification, training and inspection services, with standards and partnerships that enable us to serve customers in Brazil and abroad. CERTIFICATION MORE TRAINING MORE
- Certification | CPEx Certificações
CERTIFICATION The CPEx team has over 20 years of experience in product certification for explosive atmospheres, our services aim at confidence and clarity in the presentation of requirements, interpretations and results of analyzes and tests. CPEx offers the following certifications, either through its own accreditations or through recognized national and international partnerships: Inmetro certification for products for explosive atmospheres according to Inmetro Ordinance 179 of May 18th, 2010. ATEX certification of products for explosive atmospheres according to the European Directive 2014/34 / EU. We are a family owned and operated business. UKCA certification of products for explosive atmospheres according to Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulation 2016: Guidance (GB). International certification for products for explosive atmospheres according to IECEx scheme. NRTL approval for products for explosive atmospheres for the United States (NEC500 and NEC505). NRTL approval for products for explosive atmospheres for Canada (CEC). TR CU certification for products for explosive atmospheres for Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Ex EAC certification for products for explosive atmospheres for the United Arab Emirates. OTHER SERVICES CPEx has a highly qualified team, prepared to meet the diverse needs of our partners. We have certification, training and inspection services, with standards and partnerships that enable us to serve customers in Brazil and abroad. TRAINING MORE INSPECTIONS MORE
- Política de Privacidade | CPEx Certificações
PRIVACY POLICY In order to make it possible for you to provide our services, we need to collect certain sensitive data from our customers, employees and partners. These terms regulate the collection and storage of this sensitive data, which include, but are not limited to: full name, CPF, RG, residence address, occupation, marital status, etc. Sensitive data will be processed in accordance with current legislation, in particular with the General Data Protection Law. Our Privacy Policy is regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with new laws, regulations and technologies, reflecting potential changes in our operations and business practices. It is important that you regularly access this policy, that you observe the updated date informed, and that, at any time, when our privacy policy is updated and if your understanding is different, you disagree with the terms described here, immediately stop using our services. . The provision of services by the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) is subject to the prior acceptance and agreement of consumers with this privacy policy. This Privacy Policy applies to the personal data processing activities of customers and potential customers of CENTRO DE PESQUISAS EM ATMOSFERAS EXPLOSIVAS (CPEx), partners, visitors and any others who use the services developed by the company. 1. General Considerations Pursuant to art. 2 of the LGPD, the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) regulates the protection of its clients' personal data based on respect for privacy, informational self-determination, freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion, in the inviolability of intimacy, honor and image, in economic and technological development and innovation, in free enterprise, free competition and consumer protection, and in human rights, in the free development of personality, in dignity and in the exercise of citizenship by people natural. The terms adopted below are those provided by art. 5 of the General Data Protection Law. In accordance with art. 6 of the LGPD, the data collection carried out by the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) has the sole and exclusive purpose of the adequate provision of its services, being collected only and only those data necessary to carry out its activities. The consultation and alteration of the data provided can be done at any time by any user of the services provided by the CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx). CPEx respects the privacy of all holders of personal data, and is therefore committed to taking all possible measures to reasonably ensure the protection of the personal data collected. The EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) safeguards your right to use different ways to collect personal data, such as: (i) When you voluntarily complete the registration available on our website/blog; (ii) During your browsing on our websites, being stored in your computer's browser; (iii) To send newsletters or inform about updates, as long as you give us authorization to do so when you register; (iv) From partners who have obtained authorization to share them with CPEx. (v) Any data publicly accessible through Federal, State or Municipal Government websites or sources. The information that the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) collects may include, but are not limited to: (i) Registration and address data, such as: Full name, E-mail, CPF, Date of Birth, Contact telephone numbers; (ii) Data for the verification of the User's identity; (iii) Navigational data. The veracity of the information provided is your responsibility, and the accuracy of this information is of paramount importance so that the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) performs the treatment properly in your interest. It is through this data that we will contact you and provide you with our products and services. 2. Navigation data Information collected from users when using the Sites includes, but is not limited to, the user's browser; Internet Protocol (IP) address; date and time of access; the user's location; and user actions on the site. 3. Cookies We use cookies and anonymous identifiers for audience control, navigation, security and advertising. The cookies used can be classified in different ways: (i) Regarding validity: Session: are temporary and remain until the web page or browser is closed. They can be used in e-commerce (allowing you to continue browsing our site without losing what you put in your cart, for example), to analyze internet traffic patterns and to provide you with a better experience and contextualized content. Permanent: persist even if the browser has been closed. They can be used to remember your login and password information, for example, or to ensure a better experience between different sessions. (ii) Regarding the property: Own: they are owned by the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx), which has full control over Cookies. Third parties: they are owned by third parties, but included on your device through the websites, blog and services offered by CENTRO DE PESQUISAS EM ATMOSPHERAS EXPLOSIVAS (CPEx). (iii) Regarding the purpose: Strictly Necessary: Essential to allow you to use the websites, blog and services offered by us, which could not be properly offered without these cookies. They are usually Session and Own. Performance: collect anonymous information about how you use and interact with the websites, blog and services offered by CENTRO DE PESQUISAS EM ATMOSFERAS EXPLOSIVES (CPEx), allowing you to recognize your preferences and count visits and interactions. They are usually Own. Analytics and Advertising: Allows CENTER FOR EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH (CPEx) advertisers to deliver more relevant ads and information to you. They are also used to limit the number of times you see certain ads and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They remember your particular preferences and are used to help map your preferences to improve your experience. They are generally permanent and may belong to Third Parties. From social media: allow you to connect with social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram among others. They are generally permanent and from Third Parties. Security: help us to monitor fraudulent activities and protect your data from unauthorized access. They are generally permanent and from Third Parties. While browsing our website, information about you may be collected through cookies. You can use the sites whether or not to accept cookies. When browsing without accepting them, the CENTER OF RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx) does not guarantee the correct functioning of its activities or any functionalities conveyed through advertisements or advertisements. Cookies can be accepted or rejected according to the user's choice on the first visit to the website. If the user later wants to change his choice, he can do so through the management tools of the browser being used or through the browser's configuration in incognito mode. In this way, the browser will not save your browsing history, website cookies and information provided in forms. 4. Purpose of the data collected We may use your personal information for the following purposes: (i) Identification, authentication and authorization; (ii) Respond adequately to requests and queries, as well as provide support to customers; (iii) Keep up-to-date records for purposes of contact by telephone, electronic mail, SMS, direct mail or other means of communication; (iv) Improve the use and interactive experience while browsing the websites, blog and services provided by CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx); (v) Carry out statistics, studies, research, project planning and surveys relevant to user activities and behaviors when using the websites, blog and services provided by CENTRO DE PESQUISAS EM ATMOSFERAS EXPLOSIVAS (CPEx); (vi) Protect the CENTER OF RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx) from rights and obligations related to the use of the websites, blog and services provided by it; (vii) Collaborate and/or comply with a court order or request by an administrative authority, as well as meet obligations to preventively report certain activities to competent authorities; (viii) Proceed with payment requests made by users; (ix) Send newsletters and emails that the user expressly agrees to receive; (x) Manage risk and detect, prevent and/or remediate fraud or other potentially illegal or prohibited activities, in addition to violations of applicable policies or terms of use; The data provided by users may be shared with partners of CENTRO DE PESQUISAS EM ATMOSPHERAS EXPLOSIVAS (CPEx) to the strict extent of their need to provide the services developed by the company. Your data may be shared with entities located outside the country of your residence. In such cases, the processing, treatment, use and sharing of data will be done in accordance with the Applicable Law and this Privacy Policy. You are already aware that the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) may (i) anonymize Personal Data, making it Anonymized Data; (ii) enriching its database by adding information from other legitimate sources; and (iii) processing of Personal Data based on the legitimate interest of CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx) Internally, data will only be accessed by professionals duly authorized by the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx), respecting the principles of purpose, adequacy and necessity. If, through authentication tests, the CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx) finds that your credentials have been compromised (made accessible to third parties), the company - for security purposes and in order to prevent inappropriate access by third parties to your account and data – will preemptively block your credentials. If you have any questions – including how to unlock the Credentials – you can contact the call center. 5. Personal information storage and retention period The EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx) will keep your personal information for as long as necessary to comply with the purposes for which the information is processed or for other valid reasons to retain your personal information, such as compliance with legal obligations. . We store your data in a safe place. At any time, you may request the display, correction or deletion of your data. We remind you that we may keep your data collected for legal compliance, auditing and preservation of rights, for the period necessary to fulfill these responsibilities. Any damages and/or losses resulting from failures, viruses or invasions of the database of the websites, applications and services offered by us may occur, so that the CENTER OF RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx) will spare no effort to guarantee the safety of your data by adopting appropriate security measures. If such events occur, we will notify affected users and take all appropriate action. Your data obtained may be stored on the own server of the CENTRO DE PESQUISAS EM ATMOSPHERAS EXPLOSIVAS (CPEx) or a third party hired for this purpose, whether located in Brazil or abroad, and may also be stored using cloud computing technology and/or or others that may arise in the future, always aiming at improving and perfecting the activities of the EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES RESEARCH CENTER (CPEx). In the event that we maintain our database on third-party servers, we will require that the data be stored in accordance with applicable legal standards of security and control. 6. Legal Notice THE CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (CPEx) is not responsible for the misuse or loss of personal data to which it has no access or control. We are also exempt from liability for illegal and unauthorized use of this information as a result of misuse or misuse of your access credentials, negligent or malicious conduct as a result of acts or omissions on your part or someone authorized on your behalf. 7. Choice of forum To resolve any disagreements about the terms of this Privacy Policy or legal issues that may arise from its compliance or non-compliance, the parties choose the forum of São Paulo/SP. 8. How to contact us If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy, please contact: By email, Last update: 15 from June 2022 with indefinite validity.
- Treining | CPEx Certificações
TRAINING Considering the difficulty in developing safe and sustainable products for explosive atmospheres, due to the complexity of the normative requirements and their interpretations, as well as the methods for their implementation and the test methods, CPEx offers specific training for all types of protections, in order to enable your team to develop products, understand the requirements of tests. The trainings aim to present the technical requirements for each type of protection, in order to present the normative requirements, their interpretation, test methods and strategies to achieve compliance in the most efficient way possible. - Treinamento conhecimentos Gerais para Atmosferas Explosivas. - Specific training for types of protection, such as: Explosion-proof - “Ex d”. Protected by pressurization - “Ex p”. Protected by increased security - “Ex e”. Protected by intrinsic safety - “Ex i”. Protected by encapsulation - “Ex m”. Protection of equipment against dust ignition by enclosure - “Ex t”. Other types of protection. We are a family owned and operated business. The advantage of knowing such requirements makes it possible to design products that comply with all possible applicable standards around the world, for the locations where the product can be marketed, so our customers carry out what we call a single project for access global, which is that project that is able to access all markets, with all its specifics already planned, even if not implemented, but already tested. We adapt our training to be carried out at the facilities of our customers, but we also provide the same training by electronic means, which allow the connection of people anywhere on the planet. The training below aims to provide companies with an explanation of the criteria established for the certification process according to the requirements established in each location, in addition to presenting strategies to make such processes efficient and without "surprises". OTHER SERVICES CPEx has a highly qualified team, prepared to meet the diverse needs of our partners. We have certification, training and inspection services, with standards and partnerships that enable us to serve customers in Brazil and abroad. CERTIFICATION MORE INSPECTIONs MORE
- Proposta | CPEx Certificações
QUOTATION Are you looking for Inmetro Certification for Ex equipment and Inspection of hazardous areas and workshops, related to explosive atmospheres? Fill in the form below and send us your request, we will be happy to assist you! NAME EMAIL PHONE ADDRESS COMPANY SEND Thanks! Request received!